How can I manually export or import presets / recipes into Nik Collection by DxO from a pre-DxO version? (Windows only)

This information applies to versions: 3, 4, 5, 6

PLEASE NOTE: If the option to preserve personal presets / recipes was not selected during the installation or uninstallation process, we cannot be held responsible for any loss of presets / recipes.

User presets allow multiple images to be enhanced in the same way. They can be found within Nik Analog Efex, Nik HDR Efex, Nik Silver Efex, Nik Viveza (beginning in Nik Collection 4), and Nik Color Efex (beginning in Nik Collection 5, previously known as recipes).

How to export custom presets / recipes:

When reinstalling the software or installing the software to a new computer, you may wish to export custom presets / recipes that you have created or imported, in order to save them and import them again later. This is also the way to share your presets / recipes with friends and colleagues.

To export presets / recipes, please do the following:

  • Open an image in the desired plug-in.
  • Access the preset / recipe you would like to export. (Note: This will only work for presets / recipes that you have created or imported. All other presets / recipes are already included in the software.)
  • Hover the cursor over the thumbnail image of the preset / recipe so that the icons appear, then click the arrow icon in the corner.
  • Select a destination folder for the exported files, and save. The filenames will end in “.np.”
  • These exported preset / recipe files are now ready to be imported into the plug-ins.
  • To export all your presets / recipes at once, please use the 'export all' button.

How to import custom presets / recipes:

This can be done manually or via the import function in Nik Collection.

Custom presets / recipes should be moved

from: \Users\<user_account>\AppData\Local\Google

to: \Users\<user_account>\AppData\Local\DxO


Specific to Nik Collection 5 and newer:

For instance, for Color Efex Pro 5 customer presets / recipes, copy the data

from: \Users\<user_account>\AppData\Local\Google\Color Efex Pro 4\UserPresets

to: \Users\<user_account>\AppData\Local\DxO\Color Efex Pro 5\UserPresets


Specific to Nik Collection 3 & 4:

For instance, for Color Efex Pro 4 customer presets / recipes, copy the data

from: \Users\<user_account>\AppData\Local\Google\Color Efex Pro 4\UserPresets

to: \Users\<user_account>\AppData\Local\DxO\Color Efex Pro 4\UserPresets

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