How can I manually export or import presets / recipes into Nik Collection by DxO from a pre-DxO version? (macOS only)

This information applies to versions: 3, 4, 5, 6

PLEASE NOTE: If the option to preserve personal presets was not selected during the installation or uninstallation process, we cannot be held responsible for any loss of presets / recipes.

User presets allow multiple images to be enhanced the same way. They can be found within Nik Analog Efex, Nik HDR Efex , Nik Silver Efex, and Nik Viveza (beginning in Nik Collection 4) and Nik Color Efex (beginning in Nik Collection 5, previously known as recipes).

How to export custom presets / recipes:

When reinstalling the software or installing the software to a new computer, you may wish to export custom presets / recipes that you have created or imported, in order to save them and import them again later. This is also the way to share your presets / recipes with friends and colleagues.

To export presets / recipes, please do the following:

  • Open an image in the desired plug-in.
  • Access the preset / recipe you would like to export. (Note: This will only work for presets / recipes that you have created or imported. All other presets / recipes are already included in the software.)
  • Hover the cursor over the thumbnail image of the preset / recipe so that the icons appear, then click the arrow icon in the corner.
  • Select a destination folder for the exported files, and save. The filenames will end in “.np.”
  • These exported preset / recipe files are now ready to be imported into the plug-ins.
  • To export all your presets / recipes at once, please use the 'export all' button.

How to import custom presets / recipes:

This can be done manually or via the import function in Nik Collection.

Custom presets / recipes should be moved

from: /Users/<user_account>/Library/Preferences/Google/

to: /Users/<user_account>/Library/Preferences/DxO/


Specific to Nik Collection 5 and newer:

For instance, for Color Efex Pro 5 customer presets / recipes, copy data

from: /Users/<user_account>/Library/Preferences/Google/Color Efex Pro 4/UserPresets

to: /Users/<user_account>/Library/Preferences/DxO/Color Efex Pro 5/UserPresets


Specific to Nik Collection 3 & 4:

For instance, for Color Efex Pro 4 customer presets / recipes, copy data

from: /Users/<user_account>/Library/Preferences/Google/Color Efex Pro 4/UserPresets

to: /Users/<user_account>/Library/Preferences/DxO/Color Efex Pro 4/UserPresets

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