DeepPRIME, DeepPRIME XD and DeepPRIME XD2 hardware acceleration

This information applies to all versions

DeepPRIME*, DeepPRIME XD,* and DeepPRIME XD2* hardware acceleration:

With all versions of DeepPRIME denoising technologies, DxO Labs makes a giant leap forward in digital noise reduction: this is the most advanced denoising technology available on the market today. DeepPRIME denoising technologies were created using a structure called a ‘deep neural network’ to mimic the behavior of a human brain. By looking at billions of noisy raw input samples and clean output samples, the neural network has developed a highly sophisticated raw conversion algorithm.

Using the resulting neural network to demosaic and denoise a picture is a very demanding computing task, and while such computational power would have been unthinkable just a few years ago, it is now possible thanks to modern GPUs (graphics processing units), which efficiently handle all the necessary 'heavy lifting'.

DeepPRIME is fully GPU-optimized on Windows as well as on macOS.

For a better experience, be sure at least to match our recommended requirements:

  • Microsoft Windows recommended requirements: NVIDIA RTX™ 2080, AMD Radeon™ RX6700 with 8GB of VRAM (or upper), and the latest drivers.
  • DxO DeepPrime leverages the native core ML software and Apple Silicon hardware GPU and uses Apple neural engine acceleration.

On such GPUs you should expect a processing time of about 2 Mpx per second (or faster with better GPUs). To compare and get an idea of a GPU's computational power, you can look at independent online benchmarks (e.g. or,4388.html).

Is it still possible to use versions of DeepPRIME technologies even if I don’t have a recommended GPU?

Yes, DeepPRIME*, DeepPRIME XD*, and DeepPRIME XD2*, although heavily optimized for GPU acceleration, can still be used on a computer that doesn’t match the recommended requirements, or that has an incompatible GPU (incompatible graphics cards are automatically disabled by DxO PureRAW). Keep in mind though that processing time will increase significantly. Output quality, on the other hand, will still be the same.

Get the most out of all versions of DeepPRIME* denoising technologies with the following tips:

Be sure to update both your OS and your GPU drivers to the latest version available.

We strongly recommend you load GPU drivers directly from the manufacturer and consult their web pages regularly.

To determine your graphic card model and the currently installed driver, use the following command in a PowerShell terminal: Get-CimInstance CIM_VideoController | Select-Object -property "VideoProcessor", "DriverDate".

DxO PureRAW automatically detects and selects the best hardware available to accelerate DeepPRIME*, but on some particular configurations, you may need to select this option manually (by default, it’s set to “Auto select” which works in most situations).

For this, try changing the default value to “Use CPU only”, or manually select the detected GPU instead in the Settings menu. DxO PureRAW has been extensively tested with low-end GPUs to find the best balance between rendering time and software stability.

* DeepPRIME noise reduction is only available in DxO PureRAW 2 and newer and DxO PhotoLab 5 ELITE Edition and newer. DeepPRIME XD noise reduction is only available in DxO PureRAW 3 and DxO PhotoLab 6 ELITE Edition and newer. DeepPRIME XD2 noise reduction is only available in DxO PureRAW 4

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