Installing & Activating
Error message “invalid code” during activation
If I uninstall DxO software from my old computer, will I get an activation back for use on my new computer? I have no activations remaining, what do I do?
Does DxO FilmPack require internet access?
How many computers can I install DxO FilmPack on? Can I use it on Mac and PC with the same license?
Why is asking DxO FilmPack to have access to "Accessibility" on my Mac, what happens if I refuse?
I am out of activations for my DxO software's GIFT license, can I get more activations?
I am getting an activation error. What should I do?
Should I uninstall the demo version in order to use the full version?
How do I activate trial versions of the DxO software?
Can you add more time to my software trial period?
Can the DxO software be activated through a proxy?
After I activate the newest version of software, can I uninstall the older versions?